Help: Some tips on using the countune site.
Technology: countune-project's technical realization requires advanced browsers. Browser types, which will quite reliably present the project, are current versions of Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer Version 8 or above. Even though it is possible to experience countune on small-sized screens, larger screen formats will yield distinctly more impressive results.
| a look at countune |
Understanding countune image strip: countune is a free internet art project. countune image strip is composed of numerous individual images, which are provided by contributors, and are step by step created along the number ray. This image strip can be viewed on this website at "a look at countune", and constitutes the website's centerpiece. Underneath individual images, number range, name, date, profile, download as well as - optionally - a homepage link and a message of peace are displayed.
The image strip can also be moved. For this purpose, the bottom of the screen provides a control button, which features the functions "next", "back", "play" (for a slow slide show), and a "search" box, which numbers and names can be entered into. Self-evidently, the strip is only able to display those numbers and names, which have already been entered into the data base. On the control button's right side, a function allows for turning on music. The strip slides in front of daily new background images and music tracks, which are replaced on a monthly base.
| create YOUR free countune |
Creating countune images: in order to create a countune image, please click menu item "create YOUR free countune". Only one single page will open, and this is where the image's length (six options are available) and colors are selected from predefined palettes. For logical reasons, the image's pattern cannot be displayed at this point(previews only serve as samples). By sending off respective data, the image will be created automatically. However, you will first be asked to enter some personal information in the contact form. Once your data has been sent, images can be viewed immediately. Simultaneously, contributors will receive an e-mail, which contains a direct link to the image as well as a password for possible later login, e.g. in order to create more images.
| workshop |
Download: images can be saved on your own PC in two different versions - as PDF-Graphic or PDF-Photo (please also see the tips under "about countune"). Download is simple and made by clicking right underneath individual images: "Graphic" for PDF-Graphic and "Photo" for PDF-Photo. Every image can be downloaded by just anyone – countune is an open art project!
Login: Change Color settings, send E-Card and Create another countune: it is possible to change your own images' color settings. Furthermore, they can be sent as electronic messages. After placing your first countune image, two more can be created by using the same e-mail address. However, the respective functions are only available by login made via the e-mail address and password, which were received along with the first e-mail confirmation. In case you should lose your password, please request a new one.